
Monday, December 17, 2012

And Everything Did Turn Out Alright...

The thesis is complete. My written word, my small story, has been read, accepted, and approved as ready evidence of my graduation with an MA. And it wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. I always thought I was interesting only to myself or the words that I wrote or spoke sounded good to my ear alone - and to be honest, I was more often than not a much harsher critic than my inner artist could sometimes take. But my thesis was read, by doctors of English and Writing and Gender Studies and Politics. And it was read by my sister, and friends, and my great uncle and godfather. I've even emailed it to a few people interested that live far away. I am proud of my creation - it's probably the closest thing I'll ever get to motherhood. It has given me a taste of exactly what I said I wanted to do in the thesis - live the life of a writer. So here goes. I leave in 10 days, oh what wonderful things may occur before and after my departure...