
Thursday, February 25, 2010


I better lose weight, I feel like crap. My body feels like its been run through that scary villain-killing machine that was ever so popular in the 90's - you know the one where two wheel like things are turning inwards together and the person gets sucked into it and crunched into a million pieces? Yep, I went through, poor villains. Upside though, FiberOne Caramel Crunch tastes exactly like Cinnamon Toast Crunch - LOVE IT! It's 11:04, I work in 3 hours, I want to do so much, I still can, just need to start.
1. Clean out car
2. Fold and put away laundry
3. Load dishwasher
4. Begin new paper
5. Revise old paper (stupid B)
6. Read vague and difficult p.c. article
7. Shower

I would like nothing more than to go somewhere, eat a lovely scone, drink a mocha and stare outside. Damn diet, school, job, house. I suppose I will someday get all these things done, become a lithe, thin super model and then be able to stare out the window.

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