It is no exaggeration to say that I have a terrible case of buyer's remorse. It could be attributed to our childhood of never really spending a lot on unnecessary things (for which I am very grateful, this mad shopping season leaves a very sour taste in my mouth every year) or possibly that I work very hard at whatever job(s) I may have so spending what I earn always looks like hours spent or tips earned that I'll never get back. Therefore, the decision to buy winter boots and the very comfy pair of slippers pictured above was about an hours decision undoubtedly exhausting my dear sister that sold them to me. However, upon returning home from the gym, first time this week due to a wonderful bout of the stomach flu, I showered and tucked my toesies into them and the buyer's remorse vanished instantly. I will enjoy these and they were well worth the money. A light and continuous dusting of snow reminds me Christmas is coming ever closer. Goal for the evening: buy twinkly lights to wrap around the loft railing and stairs. I may not buy a tree but I think our spiral staircase can be a stand-in. Maybe I'll line a few trinkets up the stairs...
Hope you all have a fuzzy and lovely weekend!