
Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Monday!

The long and weary work week is finally through. I made it. I survived. I am waiting for homemade meatballs to finish cooking so that the boy and I can enjoy a nice, relaxed, worry-free dinner. I was in a generally mediocre mood today but now, once home and showered and free of any type of obligation - I feel so much happier and free. Tie this girl down too long and I start to lose some of myself - some of my spark. Now, I can look forward to the next 4, non-working days of rejuvenation and rest, (with the daily exhausting workouts of course).

Starting the day early tomorrow with an 8am workout with Em. Then, off to the store to get lots of healthy, whole, yummy food so that I am not in the same place I was last week where I was forced to get food elsewhere instead of use what was at home...because there was nothing at home. Just a few things I'm going to make this week (or hope to) include Chocolate Filled Sweet Potato Cupcakes, Ginger Cake Squares and perhaps some Oatmeal Date cookies...I would love to do some whitefish picatta as well....just excited to have some free time. Hopefully pictures and reviews to come...Happy Monday everyone - I hope you're looking forward to what this week brings just as much as I am!

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